Saturday, January 2, 2021

Teemo Attack Speed AP Season 8 New Meta Build

Main Items

Rapid Firecannon & Statikk Shiv (Range, Burst, Magic Burst, Movement Speed)

— Kircheis Shard item.png Kircheis Shard, Rapid Firecannon item.png Rapid Firecannon and Statikk Shiv item.png Statikk Shiv in the same way; the highest instance of damage will apply to the primary target, and Statikk Shiv item.png Statikk Shiv will chain to nearby enemies even if attacking a structure, due to Rapid Firecannon item.png Rapid Firecannon allowing it to trigger on structures. Kircheis Shard item.png Kircheis Shard will not apply any damage, due to having the lowest damage of all three items.
The minimum attack range required for the +150 range cap is 428.57; however, due to the attack range values from champions, the closest is 430

Morellonomicon (cooldown reduction, AP, Mana, grievous wound)

-Morellonomicon item.png Morellonomicon's passive applies to all magic damage, including magic damage from on-hit effects. (includes statikk magic dmg)

Lich Bane (On-hit effect, AA modifier, Movement Speed)

-Lich Bane grants 22.75 movement speed. Lich Bane's passive is considered an on-hit effect and, as such, is capable of being applied to skills. Lich Bane scales with base attack damage and ability power while Trinity Force item.png Trinity Force only scales with base attack damage. For some hybrid champions, it may be better to buy Lich Bane item.png Lich Bane because once the champion reaches level 18, it becomes impossible to increase the damage from Trinity Force item.png Trinity Force with items compared to Lich Bane item.png Lich Bane. The proc from Lich Bane item.png Lich Bane far surpasses Trinity Force item.png Trinity Force with a Rabadon's Deathcap item.png Rabadon's Deathcap alone on the majority of champions, not to mention other AP items.

Boots of Swiftness

Passive: UNIQUE – ENHANCED MOVEMENT: +55 flat movement speed Passive: UNIQUE – SLOW RESIST: Reduces the effectiveness of Slow icon slows by 25%.

Main Spells

Will heal you and all your allies near you and is also great for baiting people. Your heal will be reduced by 50 % if your opponent has ignite. It doesn't provide you with anything to boost offensive potential.

The best summoner and should be used every game. Why? You can easily escape or catch up with an enemy and can be used to dodge or land abilities. Lets you escape or chase over walls. Can instantaneously reposition yourself to avoiding a combo or skill shot.

Marks- Hybrid Penetration 
When Hybrid Penetration runes are compared to Magic Penetration runes, we see that if you're likely to land even one AA between 2 spell casts early game, you'll find greater damage output in the early part of the game with Hybrid Penetration runes. However depending on how the team fights in your game are going, you will likely to find more damage from magic penetration runes in the late part of the game(duh).
When Armor Penetration runes are compared to Hybrid Penetration runes, we see that if you have a magic damage spell that is regularly cast during your auto attack harass, around once every 4 auto attacks, you'll find more damage from hybrid marks.

Important points to consider when deciding between these marks is considering your goal. Is your goal with the marks to dominate your early game with a higher damage output in laning phase? Your answer should be YES and should start using hybrid marks. Why? Becuase majority of Teemo's game is laning phase and winning your lane is a must which means gaining all the advantages you can.

Marks- Hybrid Penetration 
8.1 Armor Pen
5.5 Magic Pen
Auto attacks hurt hella' more

Seals - Scaling Armor 
Reduces enemy physical damage
Viable option if health per level not needed
Great Seal rune to use regardless

Seals - Health Per Level
1.08 x 9 = 9.72 per level
Hp benefits against anything
Great against AP champions
Hp will be better then armor unless against a heavy physical damage dealer

Glyphs - Magic Resist Per Level
24.3 MR at level 18
Recommended against AP champions
Gives the same amount of Mr as Glyph of Flat Magic Resist at level 9
Great generic defensive glyph to use regardless
QUINT%20AP.png Quints - Attack Speed
Helps with last hitting
More poke

Why Is Health Superior to Armor?
For Top laners, Mid Laners, and even supports Flat Health Seals are stronger then armor seals. Even when playing against heavy physical damage champions, flat health WILL come out ahead or at least even. Not to mention the bonus health works best when fighting against magical dealing champions. Scaling health seals works wonders when added with Flat Health Quints, not to mention they're cost effective. Lets say if you were to take Flat Health Seals over Armor, and Health Quints over AD Quints or MS quints, you would be sacrificing the extra damage for a high boost to your survivability which is vital, especially late game. Don't believe me? Let me further explain.

Usually people prefer to take Attack Speed, Ability Power and Attack Damage Quintessences, while others may even consider Lifesteal Quintessences. I use straight Attack Damage or Armor Penetration but for this case I'll use Attack Damage Reds.

My basic rune page for Teemo is to take Health per level Seals over Amour and sacrifice damage from Ability Power or Attack Damage Quints to take Flat Health. By doing so you are sacrificing increased damage for a greater survivability.

During your early levels of the game you will have less slightly less effective health against Physical Damage than running armor seals ( Around level 7-8 ). Past these levels the two will start to equalize and by level 18 your health runes will provide additional health against physical damage.

While running the Health runes you will lose damage per second and your health will be less effective until you reach levels 7-8, however this is all lessened by the fact that you are much stronger and are able to compete in early game blood bath team fights.

Due to Teemo's weak early lane phase and having zero armor, armor is still more effective on junglers. Sustained champions such as ADC's and Supports don't need to build much defense because they benefit far more than straight defense to maximize their flat number sustain.

While running additional health against physical damage is a small increase to your defense, the effects of Health runes against magic damage is a immense increase. If your still worried, you will have enough attack damage to pummel your in enemy in lane to a pulp and will still effectively win trades and your lane.

While these effects seem a little minor, runes in general are minor increases. They maximize your power only to a certain extent.


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